6 activities to boost your baby's brain development

6 Activities to Boost your Baby’s Brain Development

Did you know that brain development activities are games that boost your infant’s learning and attention skills? These are all-day games that you can play with your baby from morning to bedtime.

Did you know that the most important interaction you can have with your child is through play?

Why are these activities important?

Before diving into the brain development activities, you should know how the baby’s brain works, grows, and learn.

Here are some baby brain facts:

  1. The brain is in developing mode and contains neurons. During the first few years, these neurons will grow and create connections called synapses.
  2. Every new activity a child experiences creates a new connection
  3. Repeating activities strengthen these connections, otherwise, the baby forgets, and loses the connection.
  4. These neurons and connections keep developing and slow down as a child grows. That is why infants are fast learners compared to adults.

6 activities for child brain development

Here are 6 brain development activities that you should do to raise your baby’s IQ.

Serve and return interaction

When a baby gives you something, you need to return it. It does not mean that your child will pass you some toy that you need to throw it back. What it means that your baby can serve you anything:

  1. A smile
  2. Any gesture
  3. Making baby sounds

So whatever your baby serves, you need to return it. If your baby serves a smile, you smile back. If your baby points at anything, you should point as well. If your baby interacts with you using baby talk, engage in conversation.

As a parent, you should take the first step, don’t wait for your child to serve, and don’t stop by serving or returning a single interaction. Keep on going and build your baby’s brain.

Peekaboo game

Peekaboo gameHave you ever wondered why every baby enjoys the peekaboo game?

Firstly, it is the key to personal interaction development between you and your baby.

Secondly, the baby is learning the concept of hiding and seeking, something appears, and then it disappears. You can level up the game by changing the way you play. For example, instead of using your hands, grab your baby’s hand, use a cloth, hide behind a door, and so on. Everything will be a new learning experience.

Stacking toys development

These simple toys help a lot in your child’s brain development activity. They learn something new every time they play.

Here are some of the basics a child learns:

  1. Colors and shapes
  2. Hand and eye coordination
  3. Problem-solving

Music and poems for brain development

Did you know that music and poems have a positive effect on your baby’s brain? Lullabies have a soothing effect and help the baby sleep. The baby learns new words, noises, and sounds.

Children books

Books are a great way to show and teach your child something new. It gives a visual presentation, whether it is a book about animals, an alphabet book, or anything random. The baby will look, learn and interact.

As a parent, you need to play your role. Don’t leave your baby unattended with the book. Play with them, and read to them. Pronounce the words and show the baby that objects in real life. For example, it is a book about fruits. Show the apple in the book, say the word and show the apple in real life. Allow your baby to feel and experience.

Baby talk

Baby talk may seem like gibberish. But, talking with your baby in this way is important. Remember, they don’t know how to speak. You need to help them. Interact with your baby. If it seems silly to you, it is not for your baby. Talking in this way helps to boost your baby’s brain development.

The baby talk does not mean saying goo-goo ga-ga all the time. Speaking slower, in a soft voice, and making sounds is baby talk. The easier to use words you use, the quicker the baby will learn.


Above are the most important things you, as a parent, can do to support your baby’s brain development. It is all about the personal connection, looking your baby in the eye, talking with them, engaging in various interactions, and playing with your baby.

A key thing to note is to watch your infant’s reaction when you play a game. If the baby keeps on laughing and enjoying even if you are doing the same thing over and over again, this is your baby’s way of telling you.